It’s called a “Goldilocks Zone.” Planets have them. Sand dunes have them. NASCAR drivers, too. That narrow range between too much and not enough. Find it, and great things begin to happen.
board of directors
How a Peer Mentor Helps Train New Nonprofit Trustees
Boards are complex systems. Even for experienced board members, joining a new board involves a period of transition, orientation, and assimilation. There are two things that will help get those new directors quickly up to speed: a small handbook and a mentor. Here’s how to fast-track your new directors with peer mentors . . .
What If All Your Agenda Items Were Good Questions?
To help board members engage in decisions and focus discussions on governance, try framing all agenda items as questions.
Find Good Footing for Great Strategic Planning
For many nonprofits, following a strategic plan was like running track. Now it’s a trail run.
10 Smart Steps to a Better CEO Search
The boards of nonprofit organizations make numerous decisions. Some are small and routine, like approving the minutes. Others, like setting executive limitations policies, have significant impact on the organization. But the one big decision for nonprofit directors is hiring the CEO. Get this decision right, and nearly all the others fall into place. Get it wrong, and not much else will work.